The editor’s top ten:
1. The world champion outplayed: Aronian analyses his win against Carlsen at Norway Chess.
2. High quality exchange sacrifice: the winner of the 2nd FIDE Grand Prix annotates his most spectacular game from Moscow: Ding Liren - Vachier Lagrave
3. „Move by Move“ with Simon Williams: deepen your knowledge of the Najdorf move by move with the world class game Ponomariov-Wojtaszek (video)
4. Classy queen trap: enjoy Aronian’s second stroke from Stavanger in Daniel King's video analysis.
5. “Reti’s mate”: in Efstratios Grivas’ FIDE Training course learn about a rare but tactically highly effective idea.
6. “No clear path to equality”: GM Postny pulls together the trends in the Queen's Gambit Accepted and comes to a critical conclusion.
7. What can you do against the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation? Daniel King introduces you to the present state of theory (video).
8. A defensive move with diabolical hidden depths: let Rainer Knaak show you how to set the “Leonhardt Trap” in the Philidor Defence. (video)
9. Good in practice: Nadezhda Kosintseva arms you with the universal weapon universal weapon 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Nce2 against the French Steinitz Variation.
10. Hammer blow 14…Rxf3: Adhiban analyses his brilliancy against Akobian at the World Team Championship.
Recommendations for your repertoire Papp: Benkö Gambit A58 (Recommendation for Black)
Moskalenko: Dutch Defence A80 (Recommendation for Black)
Kosintseva: French Defence C11 (Recommendation for White)
Kritz: French Defence C15 (Recommendation for White)
Kuzmin: Ruy Lopez C83 (Recommendation for Black)
Sumets: Semi-Slav D46 (Recommendation for White)
Marin: Grünfeld Defence D93 (Recommendation for Black)
Ris: Grünfeld Defence D96 (Recommendation for Black)
Stohl: Nimzoindian E21 (Recommendation for Black)
Krasenkow: King's Indian E94 (Recommendation for White)
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