After the success of the first Volume on Calculation Training, Dutch IM Robert Ris continues Volume 2 of the series with a wide range of new aspects which have to be mastered to become a great calculator at the board! The topics discussed in Volume 1 (Candidates Moves, Method of Elimination & Imagination) are certainly useful when studying the content of this new DVD. Special attention will be paid to Intermediate Moves, Quiet Moves, Sacrifices on Empty Squares, Mating Patterns, Ignoring Opponents Threat, Calculation in Defence and Method of Comparison. On top of that more practical advices for training are recommended, for instance how to handle your time management and visualising the position in your mind during the calculation process.
Languages: | English |
ISBN: | 978-3-86681-696-1 |
System: | Windows 7 or higher |
Delivery: | Download, Post |
Level: | Advanced, Tournament player, Professional |
After going through the 13 examples from the theoretical section, it’s time to switch the brain to active participation and your calculation skills will be tested seriously! The request for more puzzles has been granted, as none less than 50 games with multiple questions have been selected. After all, training your calculation abilities is an activity which never ends and always needs to be practised to stay sharp at the board!
• Video running time: 9 h (English)
• With interactive training incuding video feedback
• Extra database with further examples
• Including CB Reader
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