Tactic Toolbox Open Sicilian by Roeland Pruijsses, Nico Zwirs
3.d4 is the most popular response to the Sicilian, both at grandmaster and club level. The theory of the opening is huge and grows continually. Knowing typical tactical patterns is important to keep the upper hand in these sharp lines. Roeland Pruijssers and Nico Zwirs show patterns you should know when playing the Open Sicilian. The interactive Fritz - Trainer format invites the viewer to answer questions and helps to test and deepen your knowledge. And even if the Sicilian is not part of your repertoire you will profit from this DVD – after all, mastering tactics is always useful in chess.
Language: English
ISBN: 978-3-86681-770-8
System: Windows 7 or higher, Mac OS X (only download)
Delivery: Download
Level: Advanced, Tournament player, Professional
Themes: b6-Tactics, The chase, The e5-break, Elimination, The Lure, Mating Attacks, Nd5, Nf5, Opening Files, Pin, Positional Exchange Sac - rifice, Sacrifices on e6 and b5, Trapping, Weak Pawns, Zwischenzug, Defending, Double Attack, Calculation
• Video running time: 7 hours (English)
• With interactive training including video feedback
• Extra: Database with more examples
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